"Homar Gómez is dedicated to serving his community and will continue to lead on behalf of the residents of the 2nd Hampshire District in the House of Representatives. Homar will help us grow our economy and support small businesses, ensure every child has access to a high-quality education, and improve healthcare access and affordability. We're proud to support Homar's campaign."

Governor Healey and Lt. Governor Driscoll

“I would highly recommend voting for Homar Gomez for Massachusetts State Representative on November 5th. As a former City Councilor, I had the honor to serve alongside Homar on the City Council of Easthampton. I saw firsthand how he listens to every constituent and values their opinion and stance. I have also seen how detailed Homar is when reviewing legislation and proposed budgets. Watching Homar lead as the City Council President has shown me that he is the right candidate to represent us in Boston. Finally, outside of City Council, I have seen Homar at every City event I’ve attended, Little League games on the weekends, and unconditionally loving and supporting his family.
Homar is the best candidate to represent the Massachusetts Second Hampshire District, please join me in voting for Homar in November.”

Bill Lynch
Former City of Easthampton Councilor At-Large

Homar Gomez Receives Endorsement from Reproductive Equity Now

Reproductive Equity Now fights to expand and protect access to the full spectrum of reproductive health care across New England

July 2024 - Homar Gomez is proud to be endorsed by Reproductive Equity Now in the race for MA State Representative, 2nd Hampshire District. Reproductive Equity Now works across Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Hampshire to expand and protect access to the full spectrum of reproductive health care, including abortion, pregnancy and maternal medicine, child care, gender-affirming care, and more. 

“We’re proud to endorse Homar Gomez for MA State Representative, 2nd Hampshire District in 2024,” said Rebecca Hart Holder, President of Reproductive Equity Now. “As we’ve seen in the last two years since the Dobbs decision, anti-abortion politicians are determined to criminalize and eradicate all forms of reproductive health care, including abortion, IVF, gender-affirming care, and contraception. We cannot stand idly by as attacks on our bodily autonomy continue to mount. Reproductive freedom is on the ballot in every race across New England this Election Day. That is why it is so important that we elect reproductive equity champions up and down the ballot this November and why we’re proud to support Homar Gomez, who is committed to leading on a bold reproductive equity agenda for Massachusetts.”

As over 20 state legislatures across the country have already taken steps to strip away abortion rights and critical reproductive health care, strong pro-reproductive equity leadership on Beacon Hill is more important than ever before. Reproductive Equity Now is proud to endorse candidates who will ensure Massachusetts remains a beacon for reproductive freedom post-Roe, and continue to lead with creative, bold, and unequivocally pro-repro policy. Learn more at https://reproequitynow.org/2024endorsements.

Homar Gomez Endorsed for 2nd Hampshire District State Representative by Environmental League of Massachusetts Action Fund 


The Environmental League of Massachusetts Action Fund has endorsed Homar Gomez in the election for 2nd Hampshire District State Representative, a credit to his commitment to the environment and climate action. With issues of public health, environmental justice, transportation, and energy policy inextricably linked, we need leaders at every level of government who understand the pressing issues of their community and will call for ambitious action. 


“Homar Gomez is a strong climate champion who is focused on meeting our net-zero goals and advancing equitable green transportation initiatives,” said Casey Bowers, Executive Director of the ELM Action Fund. “We are proud to endorse him for 2nd Hampshire District State Representative.” 

Gomez has spent seven years on the Easthampton City Council where he has been a staunch advocate for immigrant and minority rights. He is now running for State Representative on a strong climate platform, with a focus on protecting local agriculture and farms, promoting equitable green transportation, reaching net-zero emissions goals, and strengthening climate resiliency measures.


To learn more about Homar Gomez, visit his website at  www.homargomez.com .


The ELM Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization that helps pass laws that protect our environmental legacy, holds our elected officials accountable, and works to build the political power of the environmental community. To learn more about our work and our recent electoral victories visit www.elmaction.org/elections